Last day of the first week of training, I’ve seen improvement both on myself and my team, however, it’s still not enough.
I’ve sort of found a better way to approach the customers. For example if my customers work in the education sector. Ex. Preschools, Babysitting Centers. Most of their websites rely on the Topschool platform. Unfortunately, they use the same format and the website hasn’t been updated for a while. My approach would be to evoke their awareness to the problem. I figured if I showed my sincerity, and that I’ve did my analysis beforehand, they’ve give me the opportunity.
Everyday I would improve on a certain aspect of the skills needed for my job. It would be fixing my approach, working on creating “need recognition” and then preparing the solution we have for the customers. 
For this weekend, there is a lot of thinking and preparation needed to do. I’ll have this weekend to figure out the topic I want for my mashup project and the creation of my first website. It’d be a challenge but I can see the benefits of this task. I have to know my product by heart in order to be confident in selling it to my customers. If I don’t even know my product well enough, it’d be unfair if I expect the customers to believe in it (let alone buy it).

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